Yuko Sawaya Exhibition

- Date:~
- Venue:Enishira / Kanazawa
Yuko Sawaya Exhibition
2023/12/16 Sat.- 24 Sun.
The artist will be at the gallery:12/16
All Works will be sold by lottery.
When she squeezes the slurry onto the smooth polished surface, it looks for a moment as if morning dew is sparkling on the leaves, and then the water sink into the surface, dries, and sticks to the surface like thread. From this appearance, she have applied the characters “dew” and ” thread” to her work. By repeating simple patterns in the same motion as in knitting or embroidery, she creates patterns as if the vessel clad in garment.She will also present works in which the raised patterns of the ”Slip-trailed decoration” are entirely covered in overglaze silver to make them stand out more, newly mixed colors of ”Slip-trailed decoration” , and works using colored porcelain body other than the white, blue, and black color kneaded porcelain bodies that she has produced in the past.
1989 Born in Yokote City, Akita Prefecture
2012 Graduated from (Arts) Moulding Course, Arts and Culture Program, Faculty of Education, Iwate University
2014 Completed the Art Education Course, School Education Research, Graduate School of Education, Joetsu
University of Education “Arts”
Entered Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
2017 Completed Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
Currently working in Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture
On View & Upcoming
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