KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2021

- Date:~
- Venue:Art Fair
KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa is the only art fair specializing in kogei in Japan, providing a platform to showcase new kogei aesthetics and values to an international audience. 29 galleries will gather in the world-leading city of crafts, Kanazawa, to exhibit and sell the works of approximately 140 both internationally renowned and up-and-coming artists. Please join us to enjoy this unique experience which will inspire your life.
13:00-19:00, Friday November 26, 2021 First View ( Invitation Only )
13:00 – 16:00 / 16:30 – 19:00
13:00-19:00, Saturday November 27, 2021 Open to the General Public
11:00-13:30 / 14:00-16:00 / 16:30-19:00
13:00-18:00, Sunday November 28, 2021 Open to the General Public
11:00-13:00 / 13:30-15:30 / 16:00-18:00
*Reservations are required for the entire event.
Hyatt Centric Kanazawa
■KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2021 について
KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawaは、工芸の新しい美意識や価値観を「KOGEI」として世界に発信する、国内唯一の工芸に特化したアートフェアです。世界有数の工芸都市・金沢に29ギャラリーが集結し、新進気鋭の若手から世界で活躍するアーティストまで約140名の作品を展示販売します。心を晴れやかにする、工芸との出会いをお楽しみください。(KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 公式HPより抜粋)
■KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 公式HP
井上 雅子/今川 朋実/河田 里美/黒木 紗世/小坂 未央/澤谷 由子/杉原 倫子/高岡 愛/中島 ゆり恵/早助 千晴/牟田 陽日/吉村 茉莉 (五十音順)
On View & Upcoming
Koutaro Uranaka Exhibition -Sometimes it’s rainy, sometimes it’s snow-
2025/01/25(Sat) ~ 2025/02/24(Mon)
Location:Enishira / Kagairyokuen
Haruhayate -Three-person exhibition by Tae Uesaka & Aki Takahashi & Sazan Niikawa
2025/02/02(Sun) ~ 2025/02/16(Sun)
Location:Enishira Stream Gallery
Daiki Yamazaki Exhibition
2025/02/15(Sat) ~ 2025/02/23(Sun)
Location:Enishira / Kanazawa
Ai Inoue Exhibition
2025/02/26(Wed) ~ 2025/03/26(Wed)
Location:Enishira / Kagairyokuen
Mio Kosaka Exhibition
2025/04/19(Sat) ~ 2025/04/27(Sun)
Location:Enishira / Kanazawa